Side Effects of Radium 223

Exploring the Side Effects of Radium 223: What Patients Need to Know

When it comes to cancer treatments, everybody knows at least something: fatigue, hair loss, and nausea. However, Radium 223, a relatively newer therapy exclusive only to those with minmetastatic disease with particular localization to the bones, is another story altogether. Radium-223 has been referred to as a ‘super’ for individuals struggling with bone metastases because besides it working on cancer cells, it does so with minimal impact on other internal healthy tissues. However, I would observe that like any remedy, Radium – 223 has humble repercussions that clients need to go along with.

In this blog, let’s explore Radium-223 therapy, what it entails, what the patient should expect, the side effects, and why knowing all this makes a lot of difference when it comes to the management of the treatment. We will also include some of the most common questions to help answer some of the questions that patients might ask. Furthermore, the advantages and disadvantages will be explored before giving a helpful reminder at the end.

What is Radium 223?

Radium 223 is an example of a radioactive medicine that is administered to patients with prostate cancer with metastases to the bones. It is specifically used when the other treatments such as hormone therapy or chemotherapy are not effective anymore. Radium 223 mimics calcium and accumulates on the bones that are affected by cancer. That irradiates releasing radiation that kills the cancer cells, which makes it suited for the treatment of bone metastases. As compared to other chemotherapeutic agents that circulate throughout the patient’s system, Radium-223 is designed to emit bone-seeking radiation that is restricted to the skeletal system in order to avoid toxicity to aspects of the patient’s body.

Mechanism of Action

The mechanism of action of radium -223 is, it accumulates in the osteoblastic lesions of metastatic cancer, namely, tumor sites where there is formation of new bone. Radium-223 after being ingested-decay produces alpha particles that have a short penetrative ability thus killing the cancer cells without harming the other tissues. This targeted approach aids in easing of some of the symptoms like pains and enhances the life of the patient.

Common Side Effects of Radium -223

Although Radium-223 is focal and selective, it is associated with side effects like most other cancer therapies. By being aware of these side effects it means that the patient will be ready and able to handle whatever comes with the treatment.

Here’s what patients might experience:

1. Nausea and Vomiting

Some of the side effects from Radium -223 therapy reportedly include nausea in most patients. This may also cause vomiting but this is rare in comparison to other forms of chemotherapy. This can be managed by taking anti nausea medications.

2. Diarrhea

Radium -223 works on the digestive system and the side effect that has been seen in patients is diarrhea. Nevertheless, it is mostly minor, but it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids and report to the healthcare provider in case of the persistence or worsening of the condition.

3. Low Blood Counts

The effects of Radium 223 are on bone marrow which is the production site of blood cells. This can lead to a low blood cell count including, red blood cell anemia, white blood cell, and platelets. These cells are decreased in number cause fatigue, frequent infections, and problems of bleeding. Some of the electrolyte levels, therefore, undergo frequent testing in the course of a treatment process.

4. Fatigue

One of the most common symptoms reported by the patients of Radium223 is fatigue and weakness. This explains the decrease in blood cell counts even though fatigue is not unique to the deworming of dogs but a side effect of cancer treatments in general.

5. Swelling

Among the common side effects, patients said they have swollen legs and feet at times particularly in the ankle. This is so because most treatments disturb the body’s fluids and therefore alters the balance.

6. Bone Pain

Ironically, Radium 223 is used to treat bone cancer that has reached advanced stage but some of these patients may develop bone pains as a result of the treatment. This is usually temporary and may only require use of analgesics.

Less Common Side Effects

However, there are other side effects that are relatively rare and are connected with Radium -223 use. These include:

  • Infections: Low immune power can result in instance of diseases.
  • Kidney Problems: Although quite uncommon, Radium -223 may result in some complications: renal (kidney), thus, renal function is usually checked during therapy.
  • Blood in the urine: Sometimes there may even be blood in the urine, something which should warrant a doctor’s attention.

Rare Side Effects

In addition to common side effects, there are also rare but serious ones that patients should be aware of:

  • Fractures: As for the adverse effects of radium 223, the frequency of subject’s fractures was significantly higher in this study than in pre-studies, specially in osteoporotic patients or those with multiple bone metastases.
  • Low Blood Cell Counts: In some cases, patient may develop neutropenia – low number of blood cells – which put them at higher risk of infections.

How Do the Benefits Compare to the Risks?

Radium 223 has been described as having a targeted mechanism of action of which is a major strength. Radium-223 is not like typical cancer therapies, for instance, chemotherapy or external radiation therapy, but rather targets specifically the regions that are invaded by cancer cells normally found in the bones. This minimizes side effects of the whole body irradiation, thus allows treatment of patients with critical illnesses. Radium 223 has been utilised to enhance life expectancy in patients with castration-resistant metastatic PC and symptomatic bone metastases as well as to decrease the extent of bone pain. Thus there are some life-threatening complications, but as for most patients, the advantages overshadow the disadvantages.

Managing Side Effects: What Patients Can Do

Knowing how to handle the side effects can make the treatment process much more tolerable. Here are some tips:

  • Stay Hydrated: With that in mind, staying well-hydrated is important more especially when experiencing diarrhea.
  • Get Rest: Some of the side effects are consistent symptoms such as fatigue and thus avoiding overcrowding policies that will make you attend treatments frequently might reduce this symptom.
  • Monitor Your Blood: Further, normal blood examinations will be conducted to check on the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelet count. You may need to change your treatment if these levels fall too low, says your doctor.
  • Pain Management: If you experience bone pain consult with your doctor on the possibilities of pain relievers that may be taken with Radium -223.
  • Report New Symptoms: This means that any new symptoms or any changes in the prevailing ones should be communicated to your physician without delay.

Important Considerations

To prepare for radium-223 therapy, what you need to disclose to the physician is a list of past and present health conditions you may have. The suitability of this therapy depends on other factors such as the function of the kidneys and previous treatment. Also, as radium-223 may have an effect on other mediations, tell your doctor about all medicines you are currently taking.

Patients also should understand that despite the high efficacy of radium-223 in alleviation of symptoms and prolongation of the span of life in some cases, it does not treat cancer. Hence, it should be considered complementary to other treatment methods which are intended for treatment of the disorder.


Radium 223 is another candidate for treatment of prostate cancer that has metastasized to the bones. This specificity makes it better to use Sono PT compared to regular therapies such as chemotherapy. However, the side effects are vital that one need to know how to handle them in the right way. Knowing what to expect from Radium223 therapy helps a patient engage their healthcare team to optimize the chance of making the treatment process easier and efficient.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Is Radium-223 safe for all prostate cancer patients?
Radium-223 is only safe for prostate cancer patients with bone metastases and who are no longer benefiting from hormone therapy.

Q2: How long is Radium-223 treatment?
Radium-223 treatment usually takes 1 month for six months. Overall, it takes only a few minutes to make the injection.

Q3: Will Radium-223 cause hair loss like chemotherapy?
No, Radium-223 does not make your hair fall out. While other chemotherapy drugs work throughout the body, Radium-223 only works on bones.

Q4: When will I improve with Radium-223?
Some patients can relieve bone pain within one to several weeks after beginning Radium-223 treatment but everyone is different.

Q5: Can Radium 223 cure my cancer?
Radium 223 is not a cure for prostate cancer but can help prolong the life and enhance the quality of life by controlling cancer that has spread to bones.


This information in the blog is intended for educational use only. It should not be used in place of any advice given to you by your health care provider. It is always advisable to consult your doctor or your healthcare provider dealing with your particular medical circumstances.

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